Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Picture of the Week - Sir Peppersford Trousers

Picture of the Week.

Sir Peppersford Trousers

There's quite a back story to this. A few years ago we ran a pop up store in Auckland for two or three weeks - funnily enough right next door to the current Lonely Dog Gallery! We were going over the top preparing the space, painting, all kinds of props. It was looking amazing. The invitations were also amazing. We had prepared them as if coming from the Baron of Beaconsfield. At the last minute we realised that we had no actual Baron! The spell would be broken when people arrived and the Baron was not there to greet them! It would all come crashing down to normality in a great rush.

Stu, the co-author of the Lonely Dog novel, came up with a last minute piece of inspiration. He invented the character of Sir Peppersford Trousers, the Baron's right hand man and general factotum. He suggested Sir Peppersford would be one of those sort of slightly off-centre, detached, unpredictable ancient characters that we all know so well. Lurking in the shadows, only to burst forth semi-appropriately with left of centre out of context statements, and then disappear again. Always retaining the gift of surprise and a complete air of mystery. And all the while taking themselves far too seriously!

To cap it all off - Stu offered to appear, in full costume, at the opening, as Sir Pepperford Trousers, and to make apology for the Baron's absence! Offer accepted!

Stu duly showed up, resplendent in full costume with epaulettes, towering hat and mad persona. He berated and harangued the assembled crowd - to great delight. Stu, in costume, is a fearsome thing! Some attendees still speak of Sir Peppersford in hushed tones.

A year or so later as the character of Sir Peppersford became embedded in the world of Lonely Dog, Ivan decided to immortalise him in oils. Ivan chose to tone down the fake militaristic posture, I think because he felt that the authorities might pry into the reality (or otherwise) of his medals, and instead chose to portray him in another of his adopted personas - that of superior gamekeeper and bridge player. The picture captures Sir Peppersford creating his very best "I'm superior to you" pose, adorned with what he calls his "Nod to the wee Scots" outfit. To say that he knew what a Gillie was would be stretching it, but as we now know, details have never bothered Sir Peppersford!

I think the crowning irony, and one that no doubt has Sir Peppersford absolutely crowing, is that his portrait - in this particular persona - is now hanging in all sorts of fancy people's houses just like a real Sir would be. (Did I say that about his knighthood not being real?)

Find Limited Edition Giclee of Sir Peppersford Trousers here ...
Or contact the gallery on +64 9 550 7170

Sunday, September 23, 2012

"... it will leave you grasping for superlatives."

Could reviews get better than this? Some more excerpts...

"... spellbinding narrative means ... destined for legendary status."
" This novel quite simply is outstanding.  If you miss it you will kick yourself."

The full review ran in the Christchurch Press, The Dominion Post and the Waikato Times. Read the full review  here

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Alveridgea Review Otago Daily Times.

Exquisite book and story
Alveridgea and the Legend of the Lonely Dog (Atlantic Books), by Ivan Clarke and Stu Duval, is a beautiful book in all senses.
Set in a world where poor working-class dogs are subjugated by wealthy and aristocratic cats, it tells the tale of a shy and reticent young musician called Lonely, whose songs inspire cat and dog alike to rebel against the cruelty and injustice of the ruling elite.
The story itself is a universal one, redolent with echoes of historical (and contemporary) events and the setting reminiscent of rust-belt America, so it is relatable. But each character has an independent existence, a detailed back-story.
The artist, Ivan Clarke, has been painting and (in conjunction with Richard Taylor) sculpting Lonely Dog and the other inhabitants of Alveridgea for years - the central character is based on his own dachshund, Arthur Snout - and the young hound's adventures originated as bedtime stories for Ivan's children. His illustrations bring the story, eloquently written by his longtime friend Stu Duval, to life; and render the book a genuine treasure, a work of art as much as literature.

Thanks so much to Cushla McKinney at the Otago Daily Times for the great review! 

See it online here ....

Look at Alveridgea next to Tom Clancy!

I know it is only because of being in alphabetical order! And I know you could think it is a bit lame to even blog about it ... but I did enjoy the fact that is happening in bookstores around New Zealand!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Newstalk ZB Andrew Dickens interview on Alveridgea and the Legend of the Lonely Dog. Link enclosed.

Had a great interview with the informed and intelligent Andrew Dickens of Sunday Morning Newstalk ZB fame. He has been following the Lonely Dog story with interest and it was great to talk with him. Thanks again Andrew!

Listen to the full interview here....

Start two minutes in to skip the ads!

Yet another great review of Alveridgea and the Legend of the Lonely Dog!

They just keep coming! Here is a portion of a review posted on the Amazon UK website.

I read The Hobbit 20 times as a kid and, even as an adult, pre-ordered each Harry Potter book and read it immediately upon receipt. "Alveridgea: The Legend of the Lonely Dog" appeals to me in the same way: it is a wonderful, rich imaginative world populated by quirky, unique, yet familiar characters. And I am young-at-heart enough to love the illustrations as well as the text. I spend my business days on things that are all-too-real. It is lovely to open a book like this one and spend a few hours in the authors' imaginative universe. It is like going on holiday. And I want to ride the motorcycles and drink the beer! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Another great review for Alveridgea and the Legend of the Lonely Dog!

This is so exciting! The computer beeps. Another Google Alert. Another great review for our new novel, Alveridgea and the Legend of the Lonely Dog.

I love how this one picks up on Stu Duval's exquisite word smithery! Check it out here....